Upcoming Events
Sunday Jan. 12th Chili/Soup
Lunch and Fellowship after service
Join us!
Rev. Jim Rogahn will minister Jan.19 at 10am. Jim has a teaching ministry and teaches at the different Rhema Colleges all over Europe. He has recently finished another book. You will be blessed!
Past Events
Christmas Eve Service December 24th at 3pm.Please join us and invite a friend!
Christmas Program Sunday 12/8 at 10 AM, Bake Sale following the service. Please join us and invite a friend!
Celebrating 35 Years as Harvestpoint! Come Join us Nov 10, 2024 at 10:00 AM Luncheon to follow service
The Harvestpoint Worship Team will be participating in this charity music concert. Come and be blessed by our team and other Church worship teams from the Delavan area!Bob McKay will be ministering Sunday morning, October 27, 2024, at 10:00 am, at Harvestpoint. You are welcome to join us!
Jeff and Cindy Weber will be ministering at Harvestpoint Church on Sunday, August 18, at 10:00 AM and 6:30PM. Come join us for a powerful message! The Webers are directors of Rhema Singapore and both are excellent teachers and move prophetically. You will be blessed by their ministry! Events
Come join the Harvestpoint Worship team at 7PM tonight (Aug 8th) for Worship in the Park at the Phoenix Park Bandshell in Delavan! Free hot dogs for everyone, invite everyone for a night of worship and fellowship!
Come join Harvestpoint for Worship and the Word in the Park at the Phoenix Park Bandshell this Sunday 8/11 at 10AM!
Rev. Larry and Valerie Hanson will be ministering at Harvestpoint on Sunday, June 30th at 10am. The Hansons are Directors of a Bible School and Pastors of a church in Ghana, Africa. See for more information.Sunday***March 3rd, 2024***6:30PM Special Guest Ministry***Rev. Alexander Asirifi*** Rev. Alexander Asirifi from Ghana, Africa will minister in an evening service. Rev. Asirifi and his wife Denise Asirifi are directors of Rhema Accra Ghana. Join us, and be blessed!Sunday***February 11th***10:00AM Special Guest Ministry***Rev. Jim Rogahn*** Rev. Jim Rogahn has been a missionary to Europe for the past 25 years. Teaching and helping at Rhema Bible college campuses all over Europe. (Germany, England, Netherlands, Poland, Latvia, to mention a few.) His heart is to prepare believers for greater service in the body of Christ, and also to live a fulfilling Christian life. Join us, and be blessed!
Pasta Luncheon to follow Sunday morning service on February 11th. Come hungry, and invite a friend! It’ll be a great time of fellowship and food after an awesome service with Rev. Jim Rogahn.
The Harvestpoint Worship Team will be participating in this year’s Helpers in Harmony Praise night on November 26th at 6PM! Come help us praise and worship God together with other area churches and help out our local food pantries and families in need!
Turkey Luncheon on November 12, after the morning service. This is a perfect opportunity to invite a friend or relative to the church!
Hallelujah Night Community Outreach at Harvestpoint Church October 31st 4:00PM-6:00PM. Hot dogs, candy, bouncy house, and loving on people in our community and sharing the message of God’s grace. Donations of candy beforehand appreciated. Want to help at the event? Contact Pastor Shelli.
Kenneth and Lynette Hagin, Pastors of Rhema Bible Church and Directors of Rhema Bible Training College (RBTC), will be ministering at Abiding Word Church in Sterling, Illinois from October 18-20. We encourage you to come to this Living Faith Conference and be blessed. See Abiding Word’s web page for details. Pastor Shelli Sisk attended RBTC and Harvestpoint Church is directly affiliated with RBTC.Come celebrate the 34th anniversary of Harvestpoint Church on October 8th at 10AM. Brent and Jennifer Smallwood will be ministering. Worship, teaching and moving prophetically with the Holy Spirit. Luncheon to follow the service.Fundraiser for New Day Women’s Clinic baby bottles are due back October 8th. If you would like to connect to New Day Women’s Clinic in Delavan, Wisconsin, which provides pregnancy services and other women’s health services, go to or call 262-725-6977 or text 262-300-7796
Hot Dog Roast and Fireworks Viewing (from Darien Cornfest) at Pastor Shelli’s house on Friday September 8th at 6pm
Revival Prayer for Walworth County at Harvestpoint Church Saturday, September 9th at 8:30AM
Manners & Etiquette Class for children 11am-1:30pm Thursday August 17th, immediately followed by Fancy Dress-up Dinner. Children should come to class dressed up or bring a change of clothes for the fancy meal.
Rev. Larry and Valerie Hanson will be ministering at Harvestpoint on Sunday, August 20th at 10am. The Hansons are Directors of a Bible School and Pastors of a church in Ghana, Africa. See for more information.Come join the Harvestpoint Worship Team for Worship in the Park at the Phoenix Park Bandshell in Delavan, on August 3rd! The concert will begin at 7pm.Reverends Jeff and Cindy Weber will be teaching this Sunday, July 30th, in the morning service. They will also be ministering in an additional evening service at 6:30PM, and at Monday morning Prayer at 10AM. Jeff and Cindy Weber are the Directors of Rhema Bible Training Center in Singapore, you won’t want to miss them!Come join us for Movie Night tonight, July 28, 2023, at Harvestpoint church! We will be watching the Jesus Revolution at 7:00PM. We were originally going to have the Movie Night outside at Pastor’s backyard, but the inclement weather means we need to show it indoors. See you there!Reverend Jim Rogahn will be ministering on Sunday July 16, 2023. Come join us!Art Valley, husband of Jane Valley, has gone home to be with the Lord. A Celebration of Life will be held at Christ the Rock Church at 2232 Hermitage Lane, Janesville, WI 53546, on Saturday July 15, 2023. The visitation will be from 10 AM to 11:45 AM, with a luncheon to follow.Missionaries Scott and Sue Behrman will be speaking and ministering at Harvestpoint on Sunday, June 18th, 2023.
Men's Meeting and Breakfast with Jeff Liepins at Harvestpoint Church, Saturday June 17th,2023 8AM-10AM
Build-Your-Own-Sub All-Church Luncheon, May 7th, 2023 after AM service!
Come join us Sunday, August 28, 2023 at 10 AM to see Larry and Valerie Hanson! The Hanson’s teach the Word of God. They have established a Bible School and a Church in Ghana, West Africa. And are raising up world changers and impacting the Nation! See for more info. Rev Barry and Adrienne Jensen will be with us in service on Sunday July 3rd, 2022 at 10:00am. The Jensen’s are Missionaries to Ukraine, they are director’s of Rhema Ukraine and a huge blessing to the Body of Christ. They recently made a trip over and back and will share a bit on that. They are amazing teachers and are used powerfully by the Holy Spirit. Come and be blessed during the service!Rev Jeff & Cindy Weber, missionaries and teachers at Rhema Singapore, will be ministering the next two Sunday’s, June 5 & 12, 2022. Service starts at 10am.
Pastor Alexander Asirifi – Director of Rhema – Accra Bible College in Ghana, will be guest minister on March 20, 2022 at 10:00am.
Pastor Sue Behrmann will be teaching at Harvestpoint this coming Sunday, October 31st, 2021 at 10AM! Pastor Sue and her husband Scott Behrmann lead Mission of Life/Behrmann Ministries, which focuses on reaching people living in the “10/40 window” where 83% of the 3.6 billion people living there have never heard the Gospel. Nepal is one of the countries located in this window. See their website, for more details.
Bob Valkanet shared about the Jewish feasts and what they mean to us today. SUNDAY***OCT.3rd***10am 2021
Come, enjoy, invite others to join us for a great time on August 8th, 2021! Harvest Point Worship Team will be leading worship at Delavan’s Phoenix Park on Thursday, August 5, starting at 7pm. Bring a lawn chair and come join us for a night of worship!
OUTDOOR BAPTISM July 25, 2021, 2:00PM at Phil Nass’s (Sorenson’s) place! Come celebrate with us! 13417 E State Rd 67 Sharon, WI 53585