
The Misadventures of Buck Tanglewood by Gary Sisk

In a world where fantasy and faith collide, meet Gary and Shelli in an arena where misadventure meets mercy. Catastrophic events have become the new norm for Shelli as she merely raises an eyebrow to edge of bizarre life incidents. Gary believes that adults are just older kids. He doesn’t keep his crayons inside all of the lines (if you know what I mean). In fact, when Gary is coloring pictures with the grandkids, Shelli has a new house rule: all individuals, including Gary, must remove all crayons from all nostrils after playing ‘walrus’ and especially before answering the doorbell. The grandkids have a saying that has been passed down to them: “It ain’t an adventure ’til someone falls in” . . . . . . Shelli keeps ‘Fire and Rescue’ on speed dial. Buck Tanglewood is an adventurer, treasure hunter, hero, and friend-as well as Gary’s alter ego. When mild-mannered Gary and Buck’s personalities blend, something always seems to break, blow up, or burn down.

“…Even As Your Soul Prospers” by Shelli Sisk

“…Even As Your Soul Prospers”, deals with out relationship with the Lord, and reveals who He is in the Word, who we are because of it, and what we are to do. God’s desire for us is to be successful on our journey in life. Once we begin to see who He is and who we are, we learn to trust and expect that we will see His promises come to pass. Our relationship with God moves us out of fear, anxiety, and self-doubt. It also moves us into a confidence of who we are in Christ according to His Word. We can begin to experience peace, joy and confidence in God and in His Word. Then we begin to prosper in our soul, and it affects the entirety of our life. As is spoken out in His Word, 3 John 1:21, “Beloved, I pray that you prosper and are in health, even as your soul prospers.”

Casting Your Nets into the Sea of Humanity by Shelli Sisk

CASTING YOUR NETS INTO THE SEA OF HUMANITY, is about stepping into a deeper place in our relationship with God. In any relationship there are levels of intimacy from casual to passionate. The early stages of a relationship are in the area of discovery, which are developed into friendship, trust, and then intimacy.We will never be, or do, all that God has for us if we remain in a casual relationship with God. This book challenges us, to step into an intimate relationship, where the heart of God is grasped and His secrets are revealed.One of the greatest privileges we have is to be trusted and equipped by God Himself and to be used to Cast our net into the Sea of Humanity.

I AM A CHILD OF GOD! by Shelli Sisk

I AM A CHILD OF GOD, is a devotional book, that gives you ‘bite size’ truths to ‘chew on’. Truths about your identity in Christ…who you are, who He is, and His purposes for you in this life. As you take these truths to heart, a confidence rises up within! Being anchored in truth will develop you in stability, purpose, and maturity. About the authorShelli Sisk is a graduate of Rhema Bible College in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She is licensed and ordained through Rhema Ministerial Association International. Alongside her husband Gary, they founded Harvestpoint Church in Delavan, WI and have been pastoring for 30 years. For the past 13 years, Shelli has been involved in mission trips to Latvia, Ghana, and Singapore – teaching in Bible Schools, churches, women’s meetings, and medical outreaches. Shelli’s desire is to see people whole in spirit, soul, and body and to recognize their value in Christ.